Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf


  1. From the eDesk of Elisha Goodman Dear Friend, I want to welcome you to Prayer Cookbook: 222 “Golden Key” Prayers to Open Heaven’s Back Door and Bring Answers in 10 Days or Less. If you are like me, you are a busy person and really don’t have time to waste. You don’t have time for complicated.
  2. And the spiritual husband/wife, giving me recompense for all that was taken and destroyed and taking vengeance against all my spiritual enemies in Jesus name.Lord I ask you to quickly send me if single my true husband or wife you have selected for me to joyfully love and honour me as I will love and joyfully honour them all the days of our lives.
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  5. Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf Book

'Your book, Prayer DNA Secrets has changed my life completely. I am now at another level,
praying in the spirit, speaking in tongues. I now do night vigils & I fast. Our God is awesome.'

-- Faith, Harare

Elisha Goodman Prayer Bullets

'Have you been told that you can create your own miracles? But when you try to get advice on howto actually do it, you find that no one can quite tell you how?'

Here's the KEY to Unlock Everything for YOU..
Within 90 Days or Less !

Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf Free

Dear Christian Friend,
My name is Elisha Goodman. And if you would like to discover an easy, fast way to at least receive more of the blessings promised in the Bible right now..

I Can Show You Exactly
How To Do It

This is something I've been trained to do quite well. And I've been doing it for one year now, online. I started out with horrible results, just like you. Then I discovered how to manifest the promises in the Bible in my life through prayer.

Then I discovered how to manifest those promises even faster by adding a peculiar kind of fasting to my prayers..

I Stumbled On This 'Ancient '
Secret In The Old Testament

This took just a few weeks, once I put the right elements in place. The result: I got a dream job, that pays five times more. The joy of my marriage was restored. I got a new house and a new car the same day. And I started a thriving home business. And followed up with a successful online ministry.

I've Also Helped 3,187 Other Christians
Online To Do The Same Thing

Ultimate epic battle simulator free download pc. .. with their lives and marriages. This includes Sisilia in Australia, Rebecca, and Laura in Texas, USA.. all are wonderful Christian folks just like you. And all of them received multiple blessings of God promised in the Bible within a month of following my simple advice:

'From Zero To $50,459.75 Profit
In Less Than 30 Days'

Hullo Elisha,
I just want to update you on what our Awesome God through your guided prayers is doing in our lives.

Remember my last email on Monday 12th Sept, I said that I felt God will do a speedy miracle for me this week because I did the Esther 3 days/night fast again.

Guess what brother!! Remember the block of land that I said that we made a profit of $40,000.00 of ? Well for your
information the bank rang my husband on Tuesday, and said that we have actually made a profit of $50,459.75!!

Praise the Lord, the Glory is his alone. Money will be in the bank on Wednesday next week.

I stand in awe of this God. I believe so much in this specific power point prayers, it works brother. It gives me confidence to keep going.

I print everything that you send me and keep them in a folder for reference. I enjoy reading and experimenting those prayer points, it is so powerful.


I am smiling everyday and so is my family. I give our Heavenly Father all the Glory.

'Harvest of Miracles
Money, New Car And Now A Home Of
My Own .. All Within 2 Months!'

This principle you taught works indeed. I've never experienced this kind of breakthrough with all my years as a Christian and intercessor.
I received over one thousand dollar check in the mail about a case that was filed against my employer, class action suite.
Another miracle about a house.

You know I was supposed to leave the place I'm residing now by the end of this month, October. well, I was so sure in my spirit that God would make a way for me.

As I continued to pray and use prayer points that you send and some from Mountain of Fire site.
I made sure that I followed the guidelines you set about when and how to pray. I often start with quoting scriptures that were in your Prayer DNA.
Anyway, I knew in my spirit that God would make a way for me to buy my own house despite the fact that I had bad credit.
When He made a way for me to have a new car with zero payment down and a reasonable monthly payment. I knew there is nothing stopping my God from giving me a house.
So, I called my present Landlord to ask for an extension by one month (the Holy Spirit gave me this idea, and told me to tell her by faith that I'm moving into my own house and I needed more time). So I obeyed, she readily agreed and was very happy for me.
Meanwhile, nothing has happen yet, two banks have turned me down and advise me to file for bankruptcy.
So, I asked the Lord if this is will, I'll obey. So I called my lawyer to setup appointment to file for bankruptcy.
Then I got an email from someone who I had written about a house he is selling. He told me he has someone who can help me get a loan to buy a house even with my bad credit. You know I've heard that before and everyone that said that always end up telling me my situation is too bad and would drop me like a ball.
Anyway, I called the number this man gave me, spoke to the loan officer. He said basically the same thing that other said except that he said, he knows some investors who would buy this house with their own credit and hand it over to me.
I would have to be making payment to them instead of the bank and my name would be on the house as a owner, which would evidently help improve my credit rating. .
I limped for joy. I agreed to it. He called me today and told me to start looking for a house that I want to live in because the investors is ready to move quickly.
Now, this is a BREAKTHROUGH.
GOD loves me , loves me, loves me!
Thank you Elisha for everything.
Rebecca, Washington

'5 New Jobs Already .. And We Only
Started The Prayers 6 Weeks Ago!'

You sent the email on how to obtain your dream job, and I immediately printed it out and began applying the steps not only for myself, but for others as well.

In our area it's hard to find good paying jobs, as a lot of industries have shut down over the past few years. I got the e-mail at the end of September, and since October 31, not just one or two of us have obtained jobs, but FIVE, and my interview is Friday morning!!!!

Two of these have since given up their jobs, but in that week, Three jobs, the next week, Two, and this week, my opportunity. The only hold up was testing and training we had to complete over a three week period, which means we actually got the invitations for this part IMMEDIATELY after putting the principles to work!!!

I don't know why, but one morning, your site just popped up when I started a search, and I can only say God put us together at the right time for a purpose.

Thank You, and God gets the glory, of course, but I will be ordering t he prayer cookbook shortly.

Laura, Texas


Here's what I do:

  • I uncover the 'leaks' in your Spiritual Funnel, and show you how to instantly plug them. That means more blessings get delivered to you when you pray for them. And that means more of them manifest each time you pray.
  • I also quickly uncover the mistakes you are now making that -- like most struggling Christians -- are interfering with the physical manifestation of their blessings. Just removing these roadblocks will increase the manifestation of God's promised blessings within a month.
  • Even more important.. I can show you how to increase the 'Magnetic Power' of your prayers to the point that .. in a few weeks.. you can see double, triple or even quadruple the answers you used to get.
  • And much, much more!

I've put all these information in a simple ebook that you can check out right now, if you like. The cost is just $47.

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I just finished reading your book and I must say that it is awesome! I can already feel the changes that are going on within my body and my mind. Oh my goodness.

All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. Totally Awesome!

- Jearnita, Atlanta

To order, just click below, fill out the order page and follow the three simple directions. You are literally seconds away from having this amazing ebook in your hands.

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I understand that I can start reading Prayer DNA Secrets immediately after my order is processed. Horsham computer repairs drivers.

I realize that much of the material I'm about to learn is not available in most prayer books.

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Online Prayer Coach
818 Newport Crescent
Windsor, ON N9E 4Z5

If you order right now, I will also send you a free unadvertized
Special Report
'The 40 Prayer Points To Attract A Car or Anything Else.' These are the
exact same prayer points that Milly from South Africa used a few months
ago .. and within 90 days she received a brand new BMW 320i, plus
a DREAM job
to go with it!

Her 2 emails below tell the fascinating story:


Dear Elisha

My sister introduced me to your site I would really like you to help me on how to use your prayer points.

I have just been informed by the Reciever of Revenue that I have to pay back R15000.00 towards Taxes. I am also in so much debt I cannot afford this. I also need to buy a new car, my old one has died on me. I have already applied for finance towards my Dream car which is a BMW 321i but I am waiting too long to get a response from the Bank, I have a feeling it will not be approved as I am listed on the Credit Bureau, although the guy at the bank, his name is xxxx assured me that he would approve it. XXXX said he could assist me, but I’m not so sure.

I am also holding two jobs at the moment, that of a Training Manager and a Recruitment Manager. My company is using me to do two jobs but are paying me a salary for one only. I know I am worth much more than I am getting here, the market related salary for this two jobs for Recruitment is R15000.00 pm + about R30 000.00pm for the other one. I am only earning about half of this. I know that I am being underpaid and it is really frustrating. I need to start praying for these obstacles in my life Elisha and I believe your prayer points really work. Your prayer points blessed my sister with a new car. A double salary increase and a promotion in less than 1 month. Please help me.

Thank you

-- Milly B, S/Africa

Just 2 months later ..


Dear Elisha

About two months ago I wrote to you and told you that I needed a new car and a new job. I understand that you are very busy but my sister Abigail sent me the 40 Prayer Points to attract anything in your life and told me to pray the 40 prayer points. 2 months ago I started praying the 40 prayer points to attract a New BMW320i. I would like to thank you for these miraculous secret ways of praying and also to share my testimonies with you.

Only two months ago I started your prayer points and within the 3rd month I received my car. 3 weeks of praying for my Dream Job and Today I received my letter of appointment

I now have a new BMW 320i and my Dream Job of R25,000.00 per month + 1% commission off all the sales people and consultants monthly package. Praise be to God he is so good. I thank you for showing me how to pray to God for success, and I thank God the Almighty for answering my prayers. You are an answer to my prayers. I have been praying to God to give me a spiritual mentor. I talked to a lot of people including pastors who I thought would help. One even thought I was demonic.

God send “YOU” Elisha - my mentor through my sister. Praise be to God.
Thank you so much your prayer point really works. I wish I had found you sooner.

God bless you.

Your sister in Christ

- Milly B, S/Africa

Listen: You should be using these little-known prayer points when you desire

Please check out this ebook while you are still thinking about it.

When you order now, you get to email me questions on anything
spiritual that might be bothering you!
(Note: Being able to drop me an email with a question means you'll
never be left hanging when you need to get clarification on

'Thank you for a worthy tutoring year 2005. You are the best spiritual coach I ever had and a great friend as well..'

- Sisi, Australia

Please remember, I wrote this material because I honestly want to make
a difference in the lives, businesses and marriages of Christians
. I have
privately taught dozens of people (including pastors) these secrets.. and I
always marvel at how quickly and easily these 'disarmingly simple'
spiritual secrets can change lives. Now, with the release of 'Prayer DNA
Secrets' Volumes 1 & 2, I can get the message to so many more people.
It's exciting.

So don't delay on this. If you want it, order now and see for yourself.
I can make the risk-free guarantee I make because.. in the first months
of offering this material, there was not a single request for a refund.
That's pretty phenomenal.. and it proves the worth of what you get.

This is important material. Get yours today.

You are right. The Holy Spirit led me to your site.. I got to know about your site and all the prayer points.
God has given me a promotion at my work place. I prayed and fasted three days using prayer points as a guide without response. I went into another three days prayer and fasting. Today I have received an appointment letter. I am amazed and I thank God so
- N.R., Uganda

Spiritual Vampires Elisha Goodman Pdf
The information contained in this web site is provided as a service to the Internet community, and does not constitute professional advice. We try to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site and its associated sites. Nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of a competent professional.

Copyrightã2005 - 2012 - Elisha Goodman - All Rights Reserved.

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