Directory of MS-DOS 6.22 (1.44M Disk 1) Volume in drive A is DISK 1 Directory of A: IO SYS. 40774 5-31-94 6:22a MSDOS SYS. 38138 5-31-94 6:22a COMMAND COM 54645 5-31-94 6:22a ATTRIB EXE 11208 5-31-94 6:22a AUTOEXEC BAT 37 5-31-94 6:22a CHKDSK EXE 12241 5-31-94 6:22a CONFIG SYS 13 5-31-94 6:22a COUNTRY SYS 26936 5-31-94 6:22a COUNTRY TX 5241 5.
- Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images Free
- Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images 2017
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- Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images Download
1.44 Boot DisksIDE CDrom Drivers Included
I saw the links you mentioned above. In the second link, it has many dos versions ranging from 3.3 to 6.22. And on GitHub, Microsoft/MS-DOS provides 1.25 and 2.0. I want to use MS-DOS for studying and working, which version should I choose? My pc uses intel e3 1230 v2 cpu, and has a asus p8b75-v motherboard. It has 12 GB memory. In the menu 'Disk', choose 'format and write floppy'. This will format the floppy disk, copy the files and check the operations. In the menu 'Folder', click on close 'image' and 'Open'. Open the next one, put a second disk and so on. Installing Ms-DOS. After that, go to your new old pc, put the first floppy disk in it and boot the computer.
DOS 5.0 | Mirror
DOS 6.0 | Mirror
DOS 6.21 | Mirror
DOS 6.22 | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows 95 Original | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows 95 Version B | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows 98 OEM | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows 98 Custom, No Ramdrive | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows 98 SE OEM | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows 98 SE Custom, No Ramdrive | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows Me OEM | Mirror1 | Mirror2
Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive | Mirror1 | Mirror2
- You will need 4 – 1.44MB floppy disks for MS-DOS, and 8 floppy disks for Windows. Extract the disk image folders to your desktop. Open the “WinImage” program. Select “Open”, and then navigate to the first disk image file. Place a blank formatted floppy disk in your floppy disk drive. From the Disk Menu, select Write Disk.
- 2004-05-28 12:35:32 UTC. Hello everyone, If anyone wants the MS-DOS 6.22 Setup disks I can email them to you as. Files on the web. I performed a perfect install using the files. The Supplemental Disk I just downloaded from Microsoft. Possibly you won't want them as they aren't legal the way I got them.
NTFS Bootdisks And Bootable CDs

Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images Free
Bootable Utility CD With 68 Programs For Both DOS And Windows. Setup Any Computer With Windows 98 or XP. Fix Just About Every Problem. Click HERE

Windows Boot Disks. 2000 And NT Setup Disk Sets
W2K Pro:
Disk1 | Mirror
Disk2 | Mirror
Disk3 | Mirror
Disk4 | Mirror
makeboot.exe | Mirror
makebt32.exe| Mirror
W2K: Server | Mirror
W2K: Advanced Server | Mirror
NT4: Workstation
NT4: Server
XP Quick Boot Diskette | xpquick.exe | Read.1st
1. Most of the files above are disk images. Download the file to your C: drive, put a fresh disk in your A: drive, then click on the file to create the bootdisk.
Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images 2017
2. The W2K Pro disks are zipped images from the MS CD. Best bet is to download them, upzip them to a new folder where you also put makeboot.exe and makebt32.exe into and then run one of the makeboot utils depending on if you're in dos or windows to create the diskset. Or, one can use Winimage to just create a single bootdisk.
Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images Online
3. The Win9X OEM disks are Images of the Microsoft bootdisks that came with your OS. They put the utilities you need in a ramdrive, or virtual disk which is usually the next drive letter up from your hard drive partitions. Use my Custom disks for a faster, easier to use utility.
Bootable Utility CD With 68 Programs For Both DOS And Windows. Setup Any Computer With Windows 98 or XP. Fix Just About Every Problem. Click HERE
Ms-dos 6.22 Setup Disks Images Download
Bootdisks - PC Support - Essential Utilities Bootdisk.Com
Originally 86-DOS, written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products, DOS was a rough clone of CP/M for 8086 based hardware. Microsoft purchased it and licensed it to IBM for use with Microsoft's IBM PC language products. In 1982, Microsoft began licensing DOS to other OEMs that ported it to their custom x86 hardware and IBM PC clones.
For IBM-specific releases, please see the IBM PC-DOS product page.
Release notes
MS-DOS 6.0 includes many new utilities and features, including a disk defragmenter, disk compression, anti-virus, a new backup system, and pc-pc file transfer tools. It was heavily criticized as buggy by the media, primarily due to file corruption issues with DoubleSpace and the lack of tools to repair such issues.
Note that the boot sector OEM ID of 'MSDOS6.0' is correct and genuine. Microsoft reverted to using 'MSDOS5.0' on later disks.
Installation instructions
The 'Full' version can be installed on a blank drive or as an upgrade with an uninstall option.
The non-upgrade versions can be installed on a blank drive or overwrite any existing DOS.
The Upgrade versions can only be installed if a previous qualifying DOS is present, and provides an uninstall option.